Wednesday, November 28, 2007
And then I shot him in the head and...
I was disappointed in the fact that the game was short (but I was expecting it to be from the day the game was announced) and that it wasn't a real game-just a you call it. It's sad to think that this game could have been an adventure game with Link going around the kingdom trying to save the land of Hyrule from monsters or something. But no...
Also Lake Hylia, Faron Woods (the Lost Woods don't count) and Death Mountain weren't included in this game...and (TWILIGHT PRINCESS SPOILERS!) how was Hyrule Castle rebuilt? Wasn't it destroyed at the end of the game? And Stallord...did he come back to...uhh the "undead" life? How?
The game was still fun anyway. I recommend it only if you're planning on getting Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles or some other game that uses the Wii Zapper. Unlucky me, I got the Wii Zapper just for Link's Crossbow Training. And that didn't go so well.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Fake Legend

So I got Link's Crossbow Training and it ain't the best game out there you now. But it's just $20 for the Wii Zapper and the game...that's cool right? The game is of course short however you'll definatly play this game more than Wii Play. This game is way funner than Wii Play.
I'm disappointed that Nintendo didn't turn this game into an adventure. Yes a game where Link goes around Hyrule with a gun (Crossbow) shooting his enemies. It would be a lot funner than this game...
But I still love this game and I'm happy with it. Meanwhile, I found this website with various awesome picture of someone dressing up as Link. I'm totally jealous! I want that costume so badly!
I know it tells you on the site the directions to making it but you know...I'm so lazy and stuff that I prefer buying the costume off EBay. But that would be too much money...I mean have you seen how much the Link Costumes are worth?!
Well...for now I'll just enjoy Link's Crossbow Training. Oh...that reminds me...I have to play Wind Waker a little more. I haven't played for...four days...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: New Game

Today was the day I got The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Right now I'm in the first dungeon of the game. So far, the game is pretty good. The Cel-Shaded graphics look ok and I actually laughed when Link was tossed to the fortress in a barrel.
Hopefully, unlike Super Mario Galaxy, this game will take me some time to finish.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Super Mario Galaxy: The End

Yes, I beat Super Mario Galaxy in one week. This game felt very short and not much effort was put into it. Come on, they worked on this game for over a year and this game only takes a week to finish?
Also, to get to the final boss you need 60 stars. Thats not a high number. At least in Super Mario 64 you needed 70 stars but only 60? My only problem with this game is that its so short. Everything else was fine.
Cut-scenes in the game were great (specially the ending), the story that Princess Rosalina reads you in the library is just something that can even make a boy cry, most of the music in the game is great and this game really feels like the sequel to Super Mario 64. Oh and Luigi helps you throughout the game as well.
However, just like in Mario Sunshine, the final boss was a bit too easy. I didn't die ONCE in the Mario Galaxy fight. I beat the final boss in my first try. They didn't work on the final boss to much-he was too easy.
But still, even if you beat the game you can still keep playing. There's 59 more stars to find after beating the game, and there is also some other...secrets. Even though the game is short, its still worth checking out.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Game no One has Heard of
What is this game called? Not Itadaki Street DS, not Hotel Mario, not Yoshi's Saari, not Super Mario Bros. the Lost Levels and definatly not Tetris DS (it's...not a Mario game is it?) The name of this game?
Yakuman DS.
Yes, Yakuman DS.

No, thats not Mario playing Poker. Here's the character select screen:

Goomba's playable...and Bowser Jr. is playable...very surprising. Shy Guy, Koopa and Boo are also playable. But uh, anyway.
This game is a Japan-only game, released in March of 2005. And this game doesn't look fun at all. I mean the game is about Yakuman a Chinese game. Chinese Japan...hee.
We have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: This game was Japan-only and wasn't released in America.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kerog-Banned: Saying names of characters COMPLETLY wrong!
is. Kerog anyone? I know this should have been Issue 1
As if this post at Waluigious (which is a way better bog than mine) didn't have enough information of Kerog I'm going to talk about him a bit.
Kerog was the name that Mr. Michael Teitelbaum gave Bowser. Michael is definatly not a Mario fan. He didn't care ONE LITTLE BIT about getting the names of characters right. Princess Toadstool? Sorry Michael but her name changed a few years ago back in 1996...we're in 2000 now (the book was made in 2000). Kerog? Where did you get that one?
Scholastic was so angry with Michael that they fired him right away but still put the book on stores anyway (ok, so I do not know if they fired him or not but I'm just guessing!). They figured they would still make some money. Then Scholastic, later, made a sequel which was way cooler. OMAGOSH! They got Kerog's name right! Bowser! Yes, it says BOWSER! Oh and this book wasn't made by Michael Teitelbaum it was made by Ron Zalme. Go Ron!
So anyway DON'T say Bowser is named Kerog EVER. Yes you, in front of the computer. But before you say Whatever and turn away, I have to tell you something else. Call the Koopalings (Bowser's seven original kids) by their proper name!
The Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World cartoons called them totally weird names. Big Mouth...? Bully!? Kootie Pie!!?? Hip...and HOP!?!? Man were those weird names. Don't you GO AROUND SAYING THEIR NAMES WRONG!
And that is all. Don't call anything by its wrong name. Oh and please don't call Bowser "Koopa". Only do that if you're in Japan.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm a flying Bee! Again!
Today, in the morning, I called GameStop to see if they had Mario Galaxy even thought they said it would arrive the 13th. They said it would be here in about two hours. So I was like "ok thanks". So then, two hours later I went to GameStop and of course-Mario Galaxy was there. They had recieved the copies early.
Because I had pre-ordered Galaxy I got the coin with Mario flying and the yellow star named Tyke. The back of the coin has "SUPER MARIO GALAXY" written on it. The coin is also larger and heavier than I expected it to be! It's like...the size of seven pennies!
The game so far is sweet, cool, but it has a small problem. I get dizzy very easily in some parts of this game. Oh and the original seven Koopalings (not Koopakids, not Bowser Jr. or Baby Bowser) don't appear in the game which is very sad. But Bowser Jr. however DOES appear. Hopefully, he gets lost in the middle of nowhere in the end of the game.
Things I've noticed in the game (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! YOU WERE WARNED!):
-The original Super Mario 64 "Bowser Stage" music is found in this game again!
-F.L.U.D.D. from Mario Sunshine is now an enemy. Actually, look-alikes of FLUDD are enemies (these look-alikes are red and spit fire).
-There's Super Mario Bros. 3 music.
-The music that plays where you're beating Bowser up is just plain cool.
-Urchins from Super Mario World appear in this game! Well, look-alikes.
-Unagi the Eel is not in the game but look-alikes (yes, again, look-alikes) are.
-Bowser now doesn't spit fireballs. He spits METEOR fireballs.
-Princess Peach sends letters to Mario throughout the adventure even though she's very far away.
-1-Up Mushrooms don't run away from you anymore.
-Penguins from Super Mario 64 are now more common.
-There are also two black penguins in the game.
-There is a Manta Ray named Ray. Such a creative name!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Charles Martinet Called Me!
I wasn't able to take a video of the call but someone else was. Link, Link, Link!
Kerog-Banned: Bowser Jr., Koopalings, Baby Bowser and Koopakids say hi!
Welcome to Issue 1 of Kerog-Banned! What is Kerog-Banned? It's basically just Gannon-Banned with a Mario theme. What is Gannon-Banned? Click on "Kerog Banned!" to find out.
So you think you're such a Mario fan and all that. But then one day you go like "OMEGOSH, Bowser Jr. appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island! You didn't know that!?!?" and then everyone will stare at you and hate you.
This is Bowser Jr. He is Bowser's EIGHT son who appeared out of nowhere (atually out of the Pianta Statue) in Super Mario Sunshine. He is NOT Bowser as a kid. He DID NOT appear in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Story or the Mario Party games.

This is Baby Bowser. He is NOT Bowser Jr. He is NOT one of Bowser's sons. He first appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. He did NOT appear in the Mario Party games (although some characters named Baby Bowser appear in that game). He did NOT appear in New Super Mario Bros. He DID NOT appear in Super Mario Sunshine.
And now the biggest confusement: Koopakid. They are called Baby Bowsers in some games, called Bowser's kids in others but in truth they are just REGULAR KOOPAS WHO WORK FOR BOWSER! Even though their name changed from Baby Bowser to Koopakids they are just Koopas with horns that work for Bowser. Oh and ignore the part where they call Bowser "Dad" in Mario Party 4. Koopakids ONLY appear in the Mario Party games. NOT in Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, New Super Mario Bros. or something else. Just Mario Party games.
(Good news: Ever since Mario Party 7, the Koopakids have stopped appearing in the series).
So this ends with Kerog-Banned 1. If you ever called Bowser Jr "Baby Bowser" then I hope you have learned the correct way and I hope those fools out there finally get the name right.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Seven Rings in Hand, and a Week went By

I beat Sonic and the Secret Rings last week and I forgot to tell you all! Bleh, well anyway, finally after five months of having this game, I beat it! I would have beaten this game faster if I hadn't gotten The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
So anyway, Sonic and the Secret Rings is...a great game. The story isn't complicated, you only have to play as Sonic instead of playing as Tails, Knuckles and the other guys, and well it's just fun.
The story of the game is simple however the story also seems so stupid. Ok, so the story in a book is vanishing because of a Genie of the Lamp who is deleting the words off the book. With the help of a Genie of the Ring (0_o) Sonic goes inside the book to get the words in the book back. Err...?
Also the game is short. Before you know it, you will have already collected three rings. Soon, you will have already collected all seven. Also the final boss isn't as hard as I imagined. Oh and-never mind that would be considered a spoiler.
The music of the game is just awesome. It has lyrics! "Who's going to rock the"? But some music is kind of annoying sometimes and hearing the same "Seven Rings in Hand" music can get old.
But still this game is better than some other games I've played. Some people think that this game isn't good and it just sucks. Hmm...wonder why.
Reasons why I think Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games will suck!

Well, ok, I haven't played the game yet, I haven't bought it yet and sadly I'm not planning to. *Sonic stares at me with angry eyes* Sonic don't cry! Here I'll explain everything bad about this game!
1. Sports Game
Ok seriosuly. Doesn't Sega know that we are tired of hitting balls with giant golf clubs or hitting a dice and walking through some round holes and then collecting coins or tackling your best friends just so you get a freakin' soccer ball? Well, Sega: WE HATE SPORTS GAMES! The sports game were fun at first (Mario Party 2 was actually fun) but then they were just annoying.
2. The fastest thing a live.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games proves that Sonic isn't fast at all. Sega just wants him to look fast in his games. I mean seriously! The big fat old Mario is faster than the blue teenager hedgehog called the fastest thin a live! Bleh...
3. Cross-over SPORTS game
See, if this was a cross-over adventure game where Mario and Sonic team up to get seven Chaos Stars then I guess thats fine. But where Mario and Sonic fight just to win the 2008 olympic games then thats just plain stupid.
4. They didn't even bother...
Getting new artwork for Luigi, Waluigi, Wario and all those other Mario guys. They just used artwork from past Mario games and just decided to make it artwork for the Olympic Games. Mario, Peach and Daisy were the only ones who got new artwork because Mario needed a picture to go on the cover that was new, and Peach and Daisy because Sega couldn't find artwork for Peach and Daisy in their sports attire where they weren't holding a golf club or baseball bat or something. Sonic artwork however, is a bunch of NEW Sonic artwork. Come on Sega-we know you hate Mario but give us more than that!
5. It sucks
I've heard from a few people who played it that it's not a very good game. Hmm!! Awesome.
Are you geting Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games? I hope you say no. And if you say yes, it's probably just because you're a total Sonic fan who has every Sonic game there is. Or it's just because you're a Mario fan who wants to tell us how bad it is.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I'm a Flying Bee!
The game is very sweet and awesome. I got to play through the Good Egg Galaxy and the Honeybee Galaxy. Mostly, the Honeybee Galaxy and I played as Bee Mario a lot. The game is very fun and there doesn't seem to be anything bad with it.
Bee Mario is very fun. You hold the A button to start flying around but you can't fly around forever. You can only fly around for about five seconds, and after that you'll have to go back to the ground. It was very fun being Bee Mario.
I explored a bunch of small planets in the Good Egg Galaxy, and then finally got launched to a star shaped planet, except its center is a star-shaped hole-a big one. And right in the middle of the whole is a star. Mario has to go around the small star-shaped planet, collecting star pieces to make a blue star thing that sends Mario flying to the star that opens a new galaxy called the Honeybee Galaxy. Then Mario takes off his hat and releases a pink star with eyes from his head. Weird.
So then, I go to the Honeybee Galaxy, get to talk to some Bee Guards, see the Queen Bee up ahead and then get the Bee Mushroom which transforms me into Bee Mario. I fly off to visit the Queen Bee. After going through various planets that is.
I finally got to meet Queen Bee and got to scrath her body and find Star Pieces all over her body as Bee Mario. It looked awkward. After scratching her body, I got launched to another planet where I found a star and three different colored Toads that look as if they're going to be major characters in the game.
I talk to the Toads and learn that Luigi is missing. Well I'm guessing this means I have to search for him right? I grab the star, but then realize that I've spent a little too much time playing the game. So I put the controller down and leave.
Seems like this game may be "Game of the Year". It may even be better than Ocarina of Time!
EDIT: Fixed spelling mistakes.